The grant was one of only 30 awarded to over 700 applicants by the NASA Innovation Advanced Concepts Program (NIAC). The title of their research proposal was Contour Crafting Simulation Plan for Lunar Settlement Infrastructure Build Up.
The robot prints the structure layer by layer using lunar concrete composed of regolith from the surface of the Moon. Contour Crafting was invented originally for use on earth by Behrokh Khoshnevis.
Visualization of Contour Crafting technology mounted on an ATHLETE lunar rover, fabricating structural shelter on the Moon. A Contour Crafting robot, housed on an ATHLETE rover, is shown here printing a vault structure out of processed regolith. The structure is intended to house a lunar lander or other equipment, and is unpressurized. The parabolic form has been adopted, because it is structurally efficient and lends itself to the Contour Crafting mode of construction. In the background can be seen an array of solar panels intended to supply power to the robot.